Technical Guides
Smart Contract Addresses
TON address can be represented in the following forms
Key Differences
- HEX: A program-readable format of the address.
- Bounceable: Suitable for regular transfers, returns funds in case of an error.
- Non-bounceable: Used for transfers without the possibility of a refund.
For more information, refer to the official TON documentation.
A 64-character hexadecimal representation of the address, used for low-level operations or technical scenarios requiring strict data formatting. Learn more about TON addresses
- 0:906697a57af1cdb1bc39214b7049ae02b3c92a5b0c342ac61e0eb8bd9304b5f1
- The prefix 0: indicates the network (0 for the mainnet).
- Commonly used in smart contracts and API integrations.